Rolled Turkey Escalope with Leaf Spinach Feta Cheese Filling

Rating: 3.8347 / 5.00 (121 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For the rolled turkey escalope:

For the filling:


For the spinach and sheep’s cheese filling, defrost the frozen spinach or blanch the fresh spinach.

Cut sheep cheese into cubes, melt butter, add spinach, season with garlic and let cool. Stir cheese into the overcooled mixture.

For the rolled turkey escalopes, dice the onions.

Lightly pound turkey cutlets between plastic wrap, season, fill two-thirds full, roll tightly, tie or seal well with basting pins.

Fry roulades well in oil.

Add butter to the roast residue, sauté onions and extinguish with wine, add soup as needed.

Stew for about 20 minutes.

Take out rolled turkey cutlets, loosen fixation, strain juice through a hair sieve, season to taste and refine with whipped cream (dust with a little flour if necessary).

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