Ham-Porree Wrap

Rating: 5.0 / 5.00 (1 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

for 4 people:


Dice the onions and sauté in a little bit of fat until soft. Season the mushrooms with a little salt and roast them in hot butter for 3-4 minutes until the liquid evaporates. Add the herbs, remove from the heat and season with the onions, the juice of one lemon and a little bit of pepper. Blanch leeks whole in salted water for 10 minutes. Put a leek on each slice of ham, cover with 2 tbsp of mushroom mixture. Roll up the ham with the filling, put it in a buttered gratin dish, pour white wine over it, sprinkle with green peppercorns and grated cheese. Bake in oven at 200 °C 1/2, thicken white wine broth with crème fraîche.

* By Chef Jürgen Maiberg, Hotel Arcade

Our tip: If you like to cook with fresh herbs, it’s best to get kitchen herbs in pots – that way you’ll always have everything on hand!

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