Savoy Cabbage Roulade

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (2 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

For 4 servings:


Have fun preparing this mushroom dish!

1. rinse the men’s mushrooms under running water and soak in a quarter of a liter of lukewarm water.

2. clean cabbage, rinse and make in boiling hot salted water about 10-15 min. Cool under cold water and peel off the 16 outer leaves.

3. remove rind from bread, soak in water. Peel and finely dice onions. Knead minced meat with onions, squeezed mustard, eggs, bread, pepper, salt.

Cut the leaf ribs flat. Place 2 leaves on top of each other, add 1/8 of the mince mixture on top. Roll up leaves and press together with a kitchen towel.

5. brown the savoy cabbage rolls in the hot clarified butter all around, first on the seam. Add the mushrooms with their soaking water and the clear soup. Cook over medium heat with the lid closed for 40-45 minutes. 6.

Remove the roulades and keep warm. Stir crème fraîche into the sauce, season with salt, season with pepper, stir in sauce thickener and let it bubble up once. Serve the sauce with the roulades.

Serve with boiled potatoes.

As a menu suggestion:

Entrée: Beetroot soup

Main course: Savoy cabbage roulade

Dessert: Apple rice

1 1/2 hours

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