Soft Sandwich White Bread – Basic Recipe

Rating: 3.2 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)

Pre-dough (Sponge):

Flour mixture And Dough:

At will:


For the dampfl, stir together the honey, flour, water, and dry yeast in a large baking bowl for about 2 minutes until a smooth, thick dough forms. Scrape the dough from the walls and cover the baking bowl with plastic wrap.

Then mix flour, milk powder and dry yeast, sprinkle this flour mixture on the dampfl (do not mix) and ferment all together covered for 1-4 hours*** (Petra: 2 hours room temperature).

During this time the dampfl will bubble through the flour mixture in some places, this is fine.

Add all the mixture and butter to the baking bowl of the food processor form and knead on low speed for 1 minute until a rough dough forms. Use a scraper to clean the sides and let the dough rest for 20 minutes. Sift in the salt and knead the dough on medium speed for another 7-10 min. The dough will be late in coming off the sides of the baking bowl, and will end up soft, silky and shiny, and still sticking to your fingers.

Scrape the dough into an oiled baking bowl; the dough weight is approx.

1255 g. Smooth the surface and spray and brush with oil. Cover the baking bowl with plastic wrap and let rise at ideally 24- 26, 5 °C for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours until doubled in volume.

Using a dough scraper, shape the dough onto the lightly floured surface and gently press into a rectangle. The dough should be air-filled and elastic, keeping the air bubbles as much as possible. De

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