Acme’s Rustic Baguettes

Rating: 3.0 / 5.00 (9 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 1.0 (Portionen)

Scrap dough:




*gives, for example, 2 small baguettes (just under 250 g) and a small boule (just under 500 g) Timing: The night before, mix the scrap dough and ferment for 3 hours at room temperature, then cool. Mix the poolish and let it rise for 12 hours overnight. A day later make the final dough, fold three times 20 min apart, then rise for 2 hours. Shape the loaves, rise for 1-2 hours, then bake for up to 45 minutes each time, depending on size.

For the scrap dough, put the dry yeast in the warm water and stand for 5- 10 min. Mix the flour and salt in a baking bowl and add one third of the yeast water, the remaining water is needed for the poolish. Knead the dough for 5 min until it is smooth (Imho the water addition is too low, you can’t get a smooth dough. I added as much water as needed by the teaspoonful, but the dough was still very firm.

) Cover the baking bowl with plastic wrap and ferment at room temperature for 3 hours, then refrigerate until the next morning.

For the poolish, add 1 tbsp of the yeast water from the scrap dough to the flour form, then fold in the remaining water, this dough is very soft. Also cover with plastic wrap and ferment overnight at room temperature for 12 hours until air bubbles pop.

The next morning, add the flour and dry yeast to the baking bowl of the food processor form. Add the water to the poolish form and stir through, then add this mis

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