Game Stew

Rating: 3.375 / 5.00 (16 Votes)

Total time: 45 min


Spice Bag With:

To extinguish:


Ingredients For Marinated Pasta:


Have fun preparing this dish of mushrooms!

Game meat from the butcher cut into bite-sized, fine cubes – it is necessary to remove the coarse skins and tendons. Ideal for braising is meat from the shoulder, leg or belly, respectively. I prefer a mixture of venison and deer meat – one more type can’t hurt either. Frozen quality is hard to judge, so buy fresh if possible.

Sauté the meat in olive oil, add carrots and shallots, and deglaze with clear soup and red wine. Add the tomato cream or pulp, the dried mushrooms soaked in hot water and two tablespoons of the soaking liquid. Now add the spice bag with pepper, juniper and new spices and the bay leaf. Cover and simmer at low temperature for one and a half hours, then the meat should be cooked. If there are too many hard parts of the meat – simply extend the stewing time. So always taste.


For the pears simply peeled, halved and cored pears in a baking dish, gorgonzola on top and gratinate with top heat.

Marinated pasta:

Cook the pasta until done – but do not quench.

Then mix with butter, pepper, fresh rosemary and sea salt. This is best done in a large frying pan. This requires the whole thing a little bit of work, but it also tastes very tasty.

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