Colorful Cheesecake Salad Cake

Rating: 3.6176 / 5.00 (68 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour

For the floor:

For the cream:

To decorate:


To begin, chop the nuts, put them in a pan and toast them briefly without fat. Add butter and honey to the nuts and let them melt.

Now chop the wholemeal bread and add it as well. Finally salt and mix well.

Grease a springform pan, pour in the mixture, press down firmly and let cool in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes.

In the meantime, clean the carrots and zucchini, grate them finely, mix each in a bowl with a little salt and let them sit for about 10 minutes. Then squeeze the vegetables well.

Now mix cream cheese, curd cheese and crème fraîche. Dissolve the gelatine, carefully stir into the mixture and season everything with salt and pepper.

Remove the wholemeal mixture from the refrigerator and cover with a layer of cream. Then add a layer of zucchini, another layer of cream, a layer of carrots and finally add another layer of cream on top.

Now let the cake cool again in the refrigerator and in the meantime chop the chives.

Cut the radishes into water lilies and cut flowers out of the cheese.

Finally, sprinkle the cheesecake salad cake first with the chives, top with the cheese flowers, put the radishes on top and refine with herbs.

Preparation Tip:

The longer they let the colorful cheesecake salad cake overcool, the more compact it will be and easier to cut.

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