Strawberry Parfait

Rating: 3.9173 / 5.00 (133 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the strawberry parfait, wash and dry the strawberries and remove the sepals. Puree half of the strawberries in a stand mixer. The amount should yield about 1/8l of strawberry puree.

Crack and separate one egg. Beat egg yolks, remaining two eggs and sugar in a double boiler (place bowl in a pot of hot water) until foamy. The mixture should get a light yellow color.

Then cool the mixture over a bowl of ice water while continuing to stir.Beat the whipped cream until stiff and mix with the strawberry puree. Fold in the yolk-sugar mixture and mix everything together. Add the chocolate shavings.

Pour the mixture into a well-chilled mold and freeze in an airtight container for about 5 hours.

Before serving, dip the mold with the parfait briefly in hot water and turn out the strawberry parfait. Cut into slices or pieces and decorate with the remaining strawberries and some mint.

Preparation Tip:

You can also put the strawberry parfait straight into small portion molds (Doriol or silicone molds - these come with pretty patterns), then you save cutting it open.

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