Camembert in the Tube on Rocket with Raspberry Dressing

Rating: 3.3377 / 5.00 (77 Votes)

Total time: 30 min

Servings: 2.0 (servings)


For the salad:


For the Camembert in the tube, mix well the honey with olive oil and spices. Line the grill rack (or baking tray) with baking paper and spread some of the marinade on it with a brush.

Place the camembert on top and brush with the rest of the marinade on all sides. In the meantime, heat the oven at about 200 °C – 220 °C – preferably the grill function.

Grill the camembert, without turning, for about 5 minutes. For the salad, wash the arugula, shake it out a bit or pat it dry and arrange it on a plate.

For the dressing, strain the raspberries with a blender. Add the remaining ingredients and a little water and blend well. Set aside and allow to infuse. Season to taste.

Drizzle the dressing over the arugula just before serving. When the Camembert is ready, remove it from the oven and carefully place it on the bed of arugula (it is best to use a pancake scoop).

Serve immediately, as the camembert cools quite quickly.

Preparation Tip:

A piece of baguette is recommended with Camembert in the tube.

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