Coconut Chicken Soup with Wan Tans

Rating: 4.0741 / 5.00 (54 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour


For the Wan Tans:


Boil out a hearty soup from the chicken carcass and root vegetables for about 1.5 hours. Add the remaining ingredients to the soup and simmer. For the wan tans, chop the shitake mushrooms (if using dried ones, soak them in warm water about 1 hour beforehand ). Mix with finely chopped spring onion & coriander, season with Thai fish sauce. Brush the wan tan dough sheets with water, place the filling on top and form into pockets. Steam in steamer or bamboo steamer basket for about 10 minutes.Place the finished cooked Want Tans in the hot soup, decorate with a lime slice, lemongrass and cilantro and serve.

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