Yellow Berry Soup with Cipollata

Rating: 3.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 6.0 (Portionen)



Soak the yellow peas in cold water for one night.

Drain the yellow peas and drain them. Place in a frying pan and add enough water to cover the peas by two fingers. Meanwhile, cover and cook over low heat until just tender, 1 1/2 to 1 3/4 hours.

In the meantime, remove the skin from the onion and chop it. Carefully clean the leek, cut away the root end and cut into narrow rings. Sauté both in the butter. Extinguish with white wine and cook for five minutes. Set aside.

When the yellow peas are soft, add the leek vegetables with their liquid and the finely chopped parsley to the soup and make the whole thing again for fifteen minutes, adding a little liquid if necessary, then season the soup with salt and pepper.

Cut the bread into small cubes. Toast it in the hot butter until golden brown.

Before serving, roast the cipollata in the hot butter for five minutes. Later cut into wheels and add to the soup. Serve in deep plates and sprinkle with bread croutons.

(*) The yellow pea is one of about 250 pea varieties worldwide. Matured and dried, it tastes more floury and thus less sweet than the green garden pea due to its higher starch content. Therefore, it is well suited for soups and purees.

(**) The cipollata is classified among the non-smoked cooked sausages. Another, almost more common, spelling is chipolata.

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