Sukiyaki – Japan

Rating: 4.3333 / 5.00 (3 Votes)

Total time: 5 min



Cut the meat into 3 mm thick slices (slicer) and place on plates or dishes.

Season the beef broth with the listed spices and place it in the fondue pot or a similar vessel on the stove. Prepare and cut the vegetables, add them partly or completely to the clear soup. Put a dessert bowl with beaten egg yolk in front of each guest. Seasoning sauces (also the sauces for Fondue bourguignonne, recipe 31) and spicy additions are offered separately.

At the table, each guest wraps a slice of meat around the fondue fork and holds it in the boiling vegetable soup for a short time. The cooked but still firm meat is dipped in egg yolk or one of the sauces and eaten with vegetables from the soup pot and spicy additions. It is served with white bread or long grain rice.


Like cheese and meat fondue, this Japanese specialty is one of the “friendship meals”: all the guests sit around the bubbling soup pot and help themselves.

Of course, the dish can also be finished in the kitchen, either in soup form or as meat stewed in oil and little clear soup with vegetables. But it looks more interesting when everyone participates in the cooking ceremony. It is important that the intended meat is really cut paper-thin.

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