Spinach and Peas Terrine with Eggs and Radishes

Rating: 3.2963 / 5.00 (27 Votes)

Total time: 1 hour



For the Spinach and Pea Terrine with Eggs and Radishes, line the terrine dish with plastic wrap.

Hard boil the eggs, rinse and shell. Wash, clean and thinly slice or shave the radishes. Blanch the peas briefly in salted water, rinse and drain. Rinse and clean the spinach and also blanch briefly in salted water. Rinse, squeeze and finely puree with 3-4 tablespoons of cream. Finely puree half of the peas with 2-3 tablespoons of cream as well.

Soak the gelatine in cold water. Mix the curd cheese with the cream cheese and horseradish until creamy. Season with salt, pepper, lemon juice and lemon zest. Whip the remaining whipped cream until stiff.

Place the gelatine, dripping wet, in a small saucepan and dissolve over a low heat. Stir 4-5 tablespoons of the curd cream into the gelatin, then stir this into the remaining cheese mixture and fold in the whipped cream. Season again, mix the pea puree with the remaining peas into one half, and the spinach into the second half.

Spread the bottom of the terrine dish with some dark green cream and cover with radish slices. Cover with dark cream and smooth it. Center eggs on top and cover with light green cream.

Smooth out, top with remaining radishes and press in lightly. Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate until firm, at least 4 hours.

Then turn out of the mold, remove the foil and place the sp

Preparation Tip:

Vegetarians make the spinach and pea terrine with eggs and radishes with agar agar.

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