Semolina Casserole with Apple and Pear Compote After Alfons Schuhbe

Rating: 3.0667 / 5.00 (15 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)


The apple and pear compote:


Semolina casserole: Boil the milk and pour in the semolina while stirring with a wooden spoon. Add salt, butter and lemon flavoring and swell at low temperature for about 15 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Pour the semolina into a metal bowl and set aside to cool. Turn on the oven to 250o C and put in the grease pan or possibly a large wide saucepan , filled two fingers width with water.

Whip the egg whites to stiff peaks, gradually adding the sugar and bourbon vanilla sugar.

Mix the egg yolks and stir into the cooled semolina mixture. Stir in the snow loosely and evenly. Brush 4 ramekins of 8 cm ø with germ oil and sprinkle with sugar.

Pour in the mixture so that the ramekins are two-thirds full. Place the ramekins in the water bath. Reduce the oven temperature to 200o C, the water must not make in any case. Cook for 20 minutes.

Garnish the casserole with orange peel, grated ginger and shaved nougat.

Apple and pear compote: remove the skin from the apples and pears, halve, core and cut lengthwise into wedges.

Caramelize half of the sugar in a saucepan and briefly toss the fruit slices in it.

Extinguish with wine and add water. Add vanilla flavoring and the remaining sugar. Allow to bubble for 15 seconds, then cover with parchment paper and cool.

Pour half of the cooled liquid

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