Salmon Rillette and Rillette From Rabbit

Rating: 3.4286 / 5.00 (7 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

Servings: 4.0 (servings)

Rillette From Rabbit:

Salmon rillettes:


Remove the giblets from the rabbit. Do not use the head of the rabbit. Cut the rabbit into coarse pieces. Be careful to divide only between the joints so that no bone splinters remain in the meat later.

Salt the rabbit meat and marinate for 3 hours. Now remove the salt in detail. Heat the stove to 150 degrees.

Place rabbit pieces in a tall ovenproof dish. Add onions cut into coarse pieces, scraped vanilla bean with bay leaf, juniper, pith and thyme. Heat peanut oil and water together in a saucepan and also add to the mold. Cook for 75 min so that the meat almost falls off by itself.

Pick off meat and make sure there are no bones or gristle in it. If the pieces of meat are still a little too big, you can cut the meat a little smaller in the same way. Strain the stock and cool. When the stock has cooled down, you can skim off the fat. What is left is pure rabbit stock, with which you can give the rillette more juice.

Cut the dried plums into tender strips and bring to a boil with the Armagnac and 2 tbsp. of the cooking fat and add to the rabbit rillette form. Chop walnuts and parsley and mix carefully. Form this quantity in a clay pot and close it with a thin layer of fat. Refrigerate until ready to serve, but better to refrigerate for one night. This way the rillette will keep for at least 2 weeks. The br

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