Lemongrass Cream Caramel and Chili Grapefruit

Rating: 2.8 / 5.00 (5 Votes)

Total time: 45 min




Bring 100 g of the sugar and 2 tbsp, water in a saucepan to caramelize. Then immediately pour into prepared ramekins.

Chop the lemongrass, add the milk, the whipped cream and the vanilla pod and simmer for 15 minutes, then drain. Whip the sugar with the eggs until creamy, then stir into the liquid and heat at a low temperature. When the liquid is warm, pour the quantity into the ramekins, where the caramel is now set. Then place the ramekins in a water bath and bake at 180 °C for half an hour. Then remove and cool completely.

To serve, carefully invert the ramekins onto the plate.

Fillet the grapefruit, mix the chili spice and salt very well. The grapefruit is then seasoned with the chili salt. Offer to the cream, then the contrast between sweet, spicy and salty is very great and the taste experience is even stronger.

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