Lamb Crown in Basil Crust on Pea-Mint Puree

Rating: 3.661 / 5.00 (118 Votes)

Total time: 45 min

For the crust:

For the lamb crowns:

For the pea mint puree:


For lamb crown in basil crust on pea-mint puree, first finely puree all ingredients for the crust in a kitchen blender and season to taste. Roll out between two layers of baking paper to about ½ cm thick and chill in the refrigerator.

Season the lamb crowns with sea salt and ground pepper. Sear all over in a pan with a little olive oil and set aside.

Portion the crust to the size of the lamb crowns, place over them, press down lightly and gratinate in the oven at 230 °C with the gratin function (or grill function) for about 4-5 minutes. Allow to rest briefly.

For the pea puree, sauté the shallots in a little olive oil, add the peas, season with sea salt, pepper, lemon juice and zest and mint, add the cream and then puree finely with a hand blender.

Cut the lamb crowns open, season the cut surface with sea salt and arrange on a plate together with the puree.

Decorate with fresh mint to taste and serve the lamb crown in basil crust on pea-mint puree.

Preparation Tip:

As an additional or - depending on taste - alternative side dish, you can also serve a refreshing herb salad with the lamb crown in basil crust on pea-mint puree!

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