Sausage and Cheese Salad

For the sausage and cheese salad, finely dice the onion and also cut the extra sausage and Gouda into bite-sized pieces. Wash the bell bell pepper and tomatoes. Cut the bell bell pepper in half, remove all seeds and dice the bell pepper. Cut the cocktail tomatoes in half. Put everything in a bowl and … Read more

Husleves Slaughter Soup

Try this delicious pasta dish: Separate the ribs from each other. Before that, saw through once in the middle. Therefore, ask her butcher, he has a powerful saw for such work. Heat the meat and the bones in the water in a leisurely way. Skim off the foam again with a fine slotted spoon until … Read more


The easiest way is to use canned chickpeas. Otherwise, you soak the dry chickpeas for one night in water to which you have added a handful of salt. The next day, the water is drained and the chickpeas go into a colander to drain. Next, they are placed in a saucepan and just covered with … Read more

Turnip Salad with Walnuts

Remove thick skin from butter beet, grate coarsely with shredder, pluck parsley from stems. Coarsely chop walnuts, roast in a frying pan on 2 or automatic heat 9 to 1 0 without fat until golden brown. Caramelize sugar in a frying pan on 2 or automatic heat 9 to 10. Extinguish with balsamic vinegar and … Read more

Tomato Juice

For the tomato juice, remove the greens from the tomatoes and place them in a saucepan. Cover with water up to the half and let it steam. Let cool slightly and strain the juice with a sieve.

Fried Carp With

— (from the fishmonger) -salt and and pepper oil, for frying – or the – Remove the peel from the parsley roots, cut them into fine strips and place them in cold water. Just before serving, squeeze them, dry them and fry them in frying oil. Season the inside of the carp with pepper, stuff … Read more

Hungarian Gulyas

For Hungarian gulyas, wash and dry the meat. Peel and chop onions and cook in hot lard until translucent. Add meat cubes and brown vigorously on all sides. Remove the saucepan briefly from the heat. Sprinkle the meat with paprika powder and stir through. Add salt and tomato paste and pour in the hot water. … Read more

Offenburg Sauerkraut

A delicious strawberry recipe! Remove the skin from the onions and apples, core the apples, cut both into narrow leaves and stew in goose fat for about 5 min until light and soft. Add the sauerkraut and mix with the apples and onions. Pour in the Riesling so that the cabbage is covered. Season with … Read more

Pineapple Peach Chutney

Finely chop peach and pineapple and pour into saucepan with remaining ingredients, bring to a boil while stirring, simmer on stove for 10 minutes. Stir from time to time. Immediately fill cooked product to the brim in prepared jars, close with twist-off lids, turn to the other side, let stand like this for about 5 … Read more

Pumpkin Seed Meringue

Preheat the oven to 120 degrees hot air. Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt until very stiff. Mix sugar and vanilla sugar and stir into the egg whites until the sugar has dissolved. Then fold in the chopped pumpkin seeds. Lay out the wafers on a baking tray lined with baking paper … Read more